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Fintech Asia News Feed

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21Apr 24

Optimizing vitiligo diagnosis with ResNet and Swin transformer deep learning models – Nature

Introduction Skin diseases present a substantial healthcare challenge worldwide, with vitiligo standing out as one of the prevalent conditions. It is a dermatological condition characterized by the progressive loss of melanocytes, resulting in depigmentation of the skin. The progressive nature of vitiligo can profoundly impact patients' physical and psychological well-being1. Consequently, prompt and accurate diagnosis
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21Apr 24

Microsoft teases lifelike avatar AI tech but gives no release date

Microsoft researchers say an AI model they have developed lets avatars engage in realistic seeming conversations complete with nuanced facial expressions. Researchers at Microsoft have revealed a new artificial tool that can create deeply realistic human avatars—but offered no timetable to make it available to the public, citing concerns about facilitating deep fake content. The
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21Apr 24

ReffAKD: A Machine Learning Method for Generating Soft Labels to Facilitate Knowledge … Deep neural networks like convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have revolutionized various computer vision tasks, from image classification to object detection and segmentation. As models grew larger and more complex, their accuracy soared. However, deploying these resource-hungry giants on devices with limited computing power, such as embedded systems or edge platforms, became increasingly challenging. Knowledge
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20Apr 24

How AI can rescue IT pros from job burnout and alert fatigue – ZDNET

valentinrussanov/Getty Images A recent Mercer survey of 300 companies finds 94% report they have strengthened their coverage for mental health care, increased support, or put in place new programs or systems to help improve employee health and wellness in the last three years. There are many reasons employees would need such counseling, but the harried and
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20Apr 24

Generative AI Jobs in India can Fetch You up to Rs 1 Crore

"Any engineer with expertise in deep learning can get started and start contributing to generative AI development within 2-3 months of studying." Illustration by Diksha Mishra Published on April 19, 2024 The demand for generative AI jobs in India is definitely on the rise. A recent report revealed that senior developers working in generative AI
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